Please treat the Secwépemc Land and the people with respect. All of the trails on this website are within the Traditional Territory of the Southern Secwépemc First Nation. This is the homeland of the Neskonlith, Skwlāx te Secwepemcúl̓ecw (formerly Little Shuswap Lake), Adams Lake, and Splatsin First Nations. For generations these Indigenous communities have preserved the abundance of wildlife and the natural beauty of this land in their pristine environment. The flora and fauna of these Shuswap First Nation lands are a photographer’s dream. With all that these lands have to offer, they ask that you visit, or come to stay. The Indigenous communities in this region ask in return that you treat the land and the people with respect. This is their home for the short time that they are here on Mother Earth, but it is the home of their great spirit for eternity. Please respect the Indigenous Territorial Lands in the Shuswap region by obeying signs where there are sensitive cultural areas. These trails are yours to enjoy today and for the future generations of tomorrow.
The Shuswap Trail Alliance online winter silent auction is now live!!! Bid on items, check out our fabulous sponsors, and buy your 50/50 tickets here!! The 50/50 raffle has a top prize of $10,000!!
The February fundraiser lays the foundation that allows the Shuswap Trail Alliance to work with regional partners throughout the year. The funds are leveraged with matching grants, donations, in-kind contributions, dedicated community project budgets, and an extraordinary contribution of volunteer time to grow local greenway trails throughout the region.
Buy your tickets here! Don't miss the early bird rate for the first 300 tickets, and like last year 18 & under are free! Celebrate 20 years of the Shuswap Trail Alliance, on BC Trails Day, at the South Canoe Trailhead June 7th at 4:00pm. Check out the Eventbrite page for all of the details!
Enjoy trails throughout the Shuswap. And remember to report any issues you see to here.
Did you know that there is a geo referenced map available for most of the trails? Geo referenced maps help you navigate in the field, using your phone's GPS system these PDF's function as a base map, and can be easily uploaded into a free app on your smart phone. Check out one of the tutorial videos below!
Please practice safe trail use, and continue to update us with Trail Reports on the conditions of the local trails thorughout the Shuswap. This helps us identify work needed, update respective trail managers and partners, and to track trail issues. And if you're interested in helping out by setting out on your own personal or family/friends bubble volunteer adventure to help clean, clear, fix, or finish a local trail, give us a shout. We'll get you set up and ensure the local trail managers know, too.
Make your trail report here or on the trailfork app at
Enjoy local trails and be courteous to other users.
Thanks to the spectacular partnership with the great folks at the Columbia Shuswap Regional District GIS Department, many Shuswap Trail listings have geo-referenced pdf maps you can print out just like normal maps, or use uploaded to your smart phone for navigation in the field. Maps can be printed, or uploaded into mobile apps like Avenzas PDF Maps, which let these pdf's function as a base map with your phone's gps system. Our sincere thanks to all the talented, passionate, and committed GIS folks at the CSRD. And special thanks, also, to the Salmon Arm MRDT Hotel Tax funding that also supports this initiative. Thank you all!
Check out the videos below for instructions on uploading geo referenced pdf maps!!
Check for update notices on trail conditions throughout the region. But please remember - while we make every effort to keep info postings up-to-date there's lots going on so we may have missed something. Let us know through the Report Trail Issue form. Other good sources of current trail info online include the Shuswap Bike Club website at, Larch Hills Nordic at, and trail sites like our good friends at
We invite you to respectfully explore our beautiful region.
The Shuswap Trails website is dedicated to helping people from around the world find their trail in the Shuswap. Whether it be by foot, by mountain bike, by horseback, or by canoe, this site will guide you towards amazing trail experiences in the Shuswap.
Shuswap North Okanagan Rail Trail Fundraising Campaign has launched. Find out more and make a donation here.
Photo Credit:Viktoria Haack, Shuswap Tourism
Photo Credit: Victoria Haack
Fostering a healthy, engaged community in the Shuswap Region – economic/environmental/social – through well designed, maintained, and promoted trails connecting people, culture, and landscape