Shuswap Trail Alliance
The Shuswap Trail Alliance is working to park cars and get people on bicycle and feet. . .and paddles, and skis, and snowshoes, and horses, and. . .
The Shuswap Trail Alliance exists as a collaboration of partners working together to create purpose built, sanctioned and sustainable trails throughout the Shuswap region. The Alliance motto is, "Well-designed, well-signed, well-maintained, well-promoted". We see success as people living actively, enjoying nature, and demonstrating a commitment to sustainability.
The Vision. . .
Connected Trails, Healthy Communities. (Updated: March 2023)
The Mission. . .
Through thoughtful collaboration, we develop, operate, maintain, and promote non-motorized trails throughout the Shuswap.
And the Values. . .
- Proactive Collaboration
- Cultural Respect
- Community Building
- Care for the Land
A Sucessful Track Record...
The Shuswap Trail Alliance has taken on over 300 projects, and written or contributed to over 100 community trail plans, publications, guidelines, research reports and public documents. It’s a team effort that has engaged over 200 groups, organizations and businesses; and involves 1000's of hours of annual volunteer time and the incredible support of a host of regional partners and sponsors. Here's a snapshot:
- Over 350 greenway trail projects valued at more than $2.25 million in amenity assets
- 130 documented studies, publications, guidelines, and subsidized community trail plans
- 11 signature trail systems, 105 regional trails, 10 major upgrades, over 1560 signs, and 6000 route blazes
- Totaling over 125 km of new trails impacting 15 communities throughout the Shuswap
- 11 major stewardship plans, 20 adaptive environmental plans, 1 strategic business plan
- Creation of the Shuswap Trails Environmental Screening and Adaptive Planning approach and the Trail Environmental Screening Tool (TEST)
- A facilitated community-development model for collaboration (being copied by others)
- Development of accountable working protocols with Secwepemc Nation leadership
- Research and development of regional trail, sign, and environmental design standards
- Collaboration with Shuswap Tourism on destination marketing and development
- Unprecedented provincial attention as an emerging leader in regional development
- Leveraged National and International film and magazine media exposure for the region
- Over $2,844,500 in leveraged cash investments distributed throughout 15 regional communities,
- including over $294,000 raised at the February Fundraiser since 2007
- Plus an additional matching $2,128,000 in local community in-kind investment and leadership
- Creation of the regional Trail Stewardship Program and hotline
- More than 360 volunteer trail stewardship events totaling 24,900 hours valued at over $441,000
- Assembled equipment valued at over $40,000 to support future volunteer trail work
- Local employment and work experience training for over 106 people since 2006
- Over 200 local business sponsors (includes 42 milestone partners donating over $10,000+ each)
- Establishment of as the regional online trails guide
- Seventh edition printing of the Shuswap Trails guide with Shuswap Tourism
- Support for the Shuswap Outdoor Learning Foundation, TrailRider, and Trail Mix Art programs
- And leadership support for experiential eco-tourism, ecological education, active transportation, recreation, and healthy community planning
Partners and Sponsors
Check out our 2023 Shuswap Trails Fundraising Sponsors here.