Environmental Screening 

Shuswap Trails Environmental Screening Reports and Adaptive Monitoring Plans:

Note: older screening reports prior to the Trail Environmental Screening Tool (TEST) PDF format follow a formal report format. These provide a good overview of the intent of the screening tool to guide planning and management of trails. Accompanying Adaptive Monitoring Plans show how the screening report can be translated into simple monitoring plans.

Cumulative Effects Planning

Cumulative effects are defined as the changes, both benefits and liabilities, caused by our actions today in combination with other past and reasonably foreseeable human and natural disturbances. The Shuswap Regional Trails Strategy explores opportunities for Cumulative Effects Assessment to assist in trail planning throughout the region. A Cumulative Effects Subcommittee was struck to further assess the opportunities for utilizing CEA. Barry Wilson, Principal of CE Analytic Ltd., has worked with the subcommittee to advance the opportunity and scope the project.

Here is the Cumulative Effects Project Scoping Report & Proposal and Presentation Slides for presentation to the November 30th, 2016 Shuswap Regional Trails Roundtable, along with additional background documentation of the planning discussions:

Exploring Respectfully

Shuswap Trails

Fostering a healthy, engaged community in the Shuswap Region – economic/environmental/social – through well designed, maintained, and promoted trails connecting people, culture, and landscape

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