The Shuswap Trail Design - This Manual is designed to help all the partners throughout the region provide a consistent level of quality while creating a variety of options based on trail user's needs.
RSTBC Sign Standards - Enroute Signs (4x4 Posts), Trail Head Signs (6x6 posts)
Shuswap Trail Rating System and Icons - The trail rating system is used to classify trail difficulty. The icons are from the Whistler Standards adopted by the Province of BC (MTSA, 2007; Whistler Standards, 2003) While intended for Mountain Bike trails, where hike/cycle/equestrian trails exist and only one rating system is feasible, these icons are the default. Additional rating systems are being developed for hike, EQ, and winter only trails, but a single overall framework provides a basic level of consistency to work with. Watch for further updates in this area as the Province of BC Recreation Sites and Trails office works on revised rating standards.
Trail Environmental Screening Tool (TEST) (Note: This link will open as an online Adobe document. However, in order to use the fillable PDF function - Click the Download button in the top right hand corner. This will allow you to type directly in the document and save your progress.) - The TEST is a fillable report form designed to collect important early stage environmental information about new trail projects, including building several key maps and endangered species lists. We are proud to be working with Provincial Recreation Sites and Trails BC to develop this tool into the latest fillable pdf version from it's original version as a series of linked excel tables. Also check: the Shortform scan, the Environmental Mitigation Matrix Table, the Monitor Form, and the Legislation Guidelines review. And also be sure to check the links to our partners at the Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society for additional resources. And for those interested here's a sample TEST screening, and the accompanying maps (note: we've split the wildlife/species at risk map into 3 to show overlapping layers, and added a close up overview map), and Red/Blue Species at Risk list.
Shuswap Trail Maintenance Standards - Shuswap Trail maintenance guidelines follow provincial standards (Recreation Sites and Trails and BC Parks.) Following standard maintenance guidelines from pruning branches to broadcasting blow down ensures consistent safety along trails, lowers fire fuel loads, and improves the visual appeal of trails. From stick flicking on a walk to joining a weekend volunteer trail event - there's a stewardship role for you.
The Shuswap Trail Alliance Trail Stewardship Program supports local volunteer trail stewards throughout the region. Following are links to some of the forms in the volunteer toolbox. Contact 250-832-0102, or email to inquire about other ways the STA can support your volunteer efforts.
Avenza Georeferenced Maps
All of our maps are available as Geo Reference PDF's which work with the Avenza App for your phone. We have put together a couple instructional videos.
Instructions for your Apple Device
Instructions for your Android Device
Fostering a healthy, engaged community in the Shuswap Region – economic/environmental/social – through well designed, maintained, and promoted trails connecting people, culture, and landscape