September 29, 2015

Visitor Kudos for Shuswap Trails

Visitor Kudos for Shuswap Trails

News Release: September 29, 2015

Each season, we are delighted to receive plenty of good encouragement and appreciation from visitors to the Shuswap acknowledging the outstanding system of trails that is emerging throughout the region. It keeps us going. 
Every so often a particular note exemplifies the kind of thoughtful, healthy culture of active walking, cycling, and trail experiences we're growing together. Thought you would appreciate the recent message we received from Len Youden, General Manager of Yamnuska Mountain Adventures, who recently spent 10 days holidaying on Shuswap Trails. YMA is a national and international leader in guiding outdoor experiences, so we're particularly encouraged to receive his acknowledgement of all the communities, partners and volunteers throughout the region working together to make the Shuswap a united trails destination.
We corresponded with Len, and he has given permission for us to pass his email on, inviting local media to share it in your letters-to-the-editor.
Please contact us with further questions on this and other Shuswap Trails news stories.
Phil McIntyre-Paul
for the Shuswap Trail Alliance

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Len Youden <>
Date: 28 September 2015 at 10:30
Subject: Shuswap Trails
To: Phil McIntyre-Paul <>

Hi Phil

My wife and I spent the last 10 days in the Shuswap and spent every day on your trail system.

It’s hard to tell how many KM we did because of little offshoots but we figure we did close to 200km total mountain biking and hiking. Your trails are incredible and you should be so proud of what you guys have developed. How you have incorporated the multi-use system is best in class and allows for mechanized and non-mechanized users to enjoy the area. The trail markings and descriptions are also top notch - some national and provincial trail managers could take a lesson from you guys. We brought a GPS for the first 3 days then felt completely confident in the trail markings when combined with your online maps/descriptions.

We were so thrilled with what we discovered and felt compelled to say Thank You.

Len Youden

General Manager


Keep up to date on all of Yamnuska's news and special offers!  Visit our blog: Here.

Yamnuska Mountain Adventures

200 - 50 Lincoln Park,

Canmore, Alberta, Canada T1W 3E9

Toll Free North America: 1.866.678.4164

T: 403.678.4164  F: 403.678.4450  /


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Exploring Respectfully

Shuswap Trails

Fostering a healthy, engaged community in the Shuswap Region – economic/environmental/social – through well designed, maintained, and promoted trails connecting people, culture, and landscape

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