North Fork Wild

Sicamous & East Shuswap

Trail Information

Distance4+ km, Various possible routes km
Duration1+ Hours
DifficultyEasy to More DifficultEasy to More Difficult
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Latitude / Longitude51.00433527, -118.6995678
Watch for other traffic on the FSR. Off trail winter exploration should only be done by experienced wilderness snowshoers. Stay away from steep cliff ledges above Perry River.


A 21 hectare conservation park adjacent to the Perry River in the East Shuswap. The park is a legacy gift entrusted to the CSRD by Peter Jennings to ensure its natural values are conserved for generations to come. 

A network of natural trails, boardwalks, and bridges loop through the property linking several unique ecological communities. Originally created by Peter and his long-time friend, Gerald King, the trails have been upgraded and adapted by CSRD Parks working in partnership with the Shuswap Trail Alliance. 

The park rests within the edge of the interior wet belt; an inland rainforest where unique and often vulnerable plant and animal communities are found. In Peter's own words the property is a "minor marvel", home to a rich diversity of plants and animals. The historic 1924 Pack Trail connects to the north of the park, where it is part of the Lower Loop in spectacular old growth cedar-hemlock forest high above the Perry River canyon. Unfortunately, a landslide has washed out the Pack Trail and it is closed past the Lower Loop. 

In the winter, the big snowpack usually means excellent snowshoeing but watch for dangerous cliff edges.

This is a dedicated Conservation Park, please stay on designated trails to minimize erosion to the sensitive forest understory. This is also an important outdoor educational site, visited by school groups. Educators are asked to follow the Park’s group management guidelines by having classes break into smaller groups to reduce the group footprint beyond the trailhead area. Facilities include the lower interpretive area, picnic shelter, outhouses, and group shelter west of the upper trailhead. You can find more educational resources for school groups on the Shuswap Outdoor Learning Foundation's website at Click through to their School Resources tab for links to the School District 83 Outdoor Learning website that features curriculum ideas for this and other Shuswap Trail sites.  


Travel approx. 28 km east of Sicamous on Hwy 1 and turn left (north) on Avoca Rd (just west of the Perry River bridge). Turn left onto the Perry River FSR and drive another 800 m to the upper trailhead parking area. Or continue straight on Avoca Rd to the lower trailhead parking area.

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North Fork Wild
North Fork Wild

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