Media Release: May 11, 2020
Rail Trail restrictions to address unauthorized motorized use
The Shuswap – North Okanagan, Splatsin Secwepemc Nation Territory, British Columbia – Sunny days are seeing more people heading outside on local trails as a recreational option during the COVID-19 pandemic.
But the Sicamous-to-Armstrong Rail Trail is not one of the trails that is currently open for use.
The Rail Trail Governance partners, which include Splatsin, Regional District of North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap Regional District remind everyone the Sicamous-to-Armstrong corridor remains closed to the public until it can be safely developed for walking and cycling.
They also remind everyone the greenway does not allow motorized vehicles except for authorized uses.
The recent good weather has resulted in a spike of reports about unauthorized motor vehicle use of the corridor. Regional district staff will be monitoring and installing barriers where necessary, as well as calling on bylaw enforcement and RCMP response if needed.
Local residents who live near the greenway can expect to see authorized personnel occasionally travelling the corridor by foot or vehicle. Authorized vehicles include ATVs and trucks used by local technical experts helping to design the greenway. These vehicles are necessary to efficiently transport equipment along the full 50 kilometre length of the trail.
Photo: Sicamous-to-Armstrong Rail Trail remains closed until safely developed - Splatsin, Regional District of North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap Regional District Governance partners remind everyone the rail trail remains closed for all motorized and non-motorized use until safely developed for walking and cycling.
For more information on this media release, please contact:
Phil McIntyre-Paul
Secretariat for the Sicamous-to-Armstrong Rail Trail Governance Advisory Committee
and Technical Operational Committee
c/o The Shuswap Trail Alliance, 250-804-1964
phil@shuswaptrails.com, www.shuswaptrails.com